Friday, August 26, 2011

Writers Unite! The Platform-Building Campaign Has Come

Finally, an open opportunity for writers to get together and share ideas, stories, and long term friendship.

Registration closes August 31st.
The Campaign from August 22nd to October 31st.
Get on the ball now!

Rachael Harrie has launched her 3rd annual "Platform-Building Campaign," where like-minded bloggers, writers, published authors can interact.
Networking can be difficult as a writer, but an event such as this is considered a golden apple for those who want to break through as a writer.
Writers should know other writers and I'd like to know you better. 

Registrations will be closing on August 31st.
The Campaign will Run from August 22nd to October 31st.
But the friendships created will probably run for a lot longer. :`)


  1. Hey! It's great to meet a fellow campaigner and group member. :D

  2. i'm also in the campaign :D See you around~

  3. It looks like we signed up for the same group in the Campaign. Look forward to networking with you! :)

  4. Hi! I'm in your UF group. It's nice to meet you! :)

  5. Hi, I'm in your YA campaign group!

  6. Hi I'm in your blogger group saying hello :-)

  7. Hey! I'm in your Campaign group, just saying hello!!!

  8. Another person from your campaign group dropping in to say hello!

  9. Hi there!
    I'm in your fantasy group on the campaign... and I'm super intrigued by your angle on the soul and how to use your writing. Though, I can hardly read your blog... oh my the noisy colors!
    In any case, I followed you on Twitter... you're with a few author friends of mine there, I discovered. :) Let's keep in touch; I like your style!

  10. I'm on the campaign and in your fantasy group! Just dropped by to say hi.

  11. Hello from a fellow Campaigner! :) Great to meet you.

  12. Hello I just joined your urban fantasy group! Looking forward to getting to know you.

  13. Hi. I'm in your YA group. Just stopping by to say hi.

  14. Hi, fellow campaigner stopping by to say hi! Wow, colorful blog--I like it!

  15. Hi! Popping in to say hi to a fellow campaigner!

  16. Your background is an overloaded buffet of anime character awesomeness! I love it.
    Okay, sorry...calming down now :-)

    Just a campaigner in your YA group stopping by to say hello! I look forward to more campaign fun.

  17. Just stopped by to say "hi". I am a fellow campaigner from your YA group

  18. Hi! I'm in your Fantasy group for the Campaigners!

    Nice to meet you!

  19. I can't really read what I'm typing, but hello from your YA group! This background is all kinds of crazy. What game(s) are these?

  20. Hello, hello. I'm in your Urban Fantasy group. Dropping by to say HI!

  21. Saying "hi" as a fellow Campaigner! Nice to *meet* you.

  22. Hey, another fellow Campaigner here! I'm in your Sci Fi group too!

  23. Hello, fellow campaigner! I'm not in your group (but I am a YA author), but I still wanted to check out your blog and say, "HI!" :)

  24. Hmm, is that a Disgaea background? I'm not big on SRPG's although they always have the coolest character's. You might want to adjust the comments' color, or move part of the image over. It's hard to read the other comments and I'm super nosy ; )

    anyway, hiya fellow campaigner. Nice 2 meet u!

  25. Thx to everyone for visiting this blog.
    More to come, and a revolution to be born from the annals of this webpage.

  26. whoa, such a busy, busy blog. We are in the same urban fantasy group!

  27. I'm in your Fantasy group, and I thought I'd pop over to say hello! Looking forward to getting to know you. :)
